How can I change the iOS App Store Country on my iPhone 5? - Ask ... 18 Apr 2013 ... This question already has an answer here: Changing app stores 1 answer. When I try to download any ...
[求助] 更新4.2之後app store無法更新、下載 - iPhone4.TW 所以我現在的app store是無法更新跟下載 軟體的 有那位大大可以幫助我嗎.... 11-26-2010 #2 virtualr 查看個人資料 查看討論區文章 悄悄話 愛用者 文章:118 要你驗證帳號 按那個 ...
Your Account - Apple Store (U.S.) - Official Apple Store - The new iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3 Manage Your Account It's easy to change your Apple ID, password, or default shipping and payment ...
AppStore - Account not in this store. Your account is not ... 2013年6月20日 - Upon downloading apps from App Store, the following error message is displayed: Account not in this store. Your account is not valid for use in ...
"Account Not in This Store", apple - MacRumors Forums "Your account is not valid for use in the U.S. store. ... Edit: corrected iTunes store to iTunes to make it clear that i do NOT mean "App store".
iPhone App Store Updates Not Working? | iPhone in Canada Blog - Canada's #1 iPhone Resource iPhone App Store Updates Not Working? by Gary Ng on Friday, December 11th, 2009 - 12:05am PDT At first I ...
Account Not In This Store (iOS6) | Apple Support Communities 2012年10月4日 - Account Not In This Store (iOS6). 102062 Views ... It worked for many of them but not with my iPhone 4 nor with my iPad 2. It really does get on ...
iTunes says my account is not valid in US store... | Apple Support ... 2013年9月16日 - iTunes says my account is not valid in US store and must switch to Canadian. How do I switch? ... iPhone 5, iOS 6.1.4. I have this question too ...
Change the country of your iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks ... 2015年3月4日 - When you make a purchase from the iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks ... the country of your existing iTunes Store account (Apple ID) on your iPhone, iPad, ... by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, ...
How to change iTunes Store account on iPhone or iPod ... better version of video: The weird voice at beginning is NOT ME ...